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Currently working on...

Starting back in 2016 with a search for a connection on a deeper level I continuing my search until this very day. I was starting to deform the faces back in 2016, so the importance was shifting from expression to non expression. Then I was adding black to the faces or some mask of darkness. 
It doesn’t matter how you look it’s about the person behind it. Everyone knows how people look so there’s no secret there. I just want the viewer to go deeper into their feelings than just a surface. Maybe recognize some feelings similar due to the painting. Also everybody has some kind of mask on to protect themselves for being hurt or something, so I hope people can relate to that feeling. So again it’s about the person behind it.

The portraits are not always unclear. I try to tell an emotion or story with my paintings by giving away as little as possible. I try to convey a message with as little expression as possible, often accompanied by a symbol in the shape of an animal.

I love it when people get a little bit thrown into the deep and experience different emotions and thoughts, and these thoughts are for them selves, I’m not in the position to judge about that.

Coforful  2020-2023

Colorful figurative paintings. With messages and deeper meanings. 

"HUMAN" SERIES 2018-current


With this series I'm searching for a way to connect old with new..Using different techniques and everything I have learned so far about human emotions and take it to a next emotional level. These paintings are based on clear human emotions versus non clear human emotions. And along the way I will dig deeper in human consciousness and human ability to observe (deeper) emotions.

2017 Nostalgia series 


Let the image take you back to a feeling or a memory. Every image tells a different story and maybe you can relate to this story or feeling.


2017 Kings party series 


This serie is about the people we look up to, think of mums, dads or kings, queens, presidents, important people in your life, in our minds they are the most intelligent and most life experienced people we know. When we grow older we often find to realize that they’re just people and also make mistakes in their life and aren’t always the role models that you want them to be. They are also just humans being human…


I hope people will enjoy looking at the paintings and maybe look further than a nose length. The bird stands for peacefulness and wears a crown because peacefulness is one of the most important things there is, without it we are lost. 


2016/2017 Deform series 


Everything changes around us over the years as we do..  moments of reconsideration and learning points. Over the years I hope that people learn that it’s of no importance how you look, where you are from or what you do for a living. The only thing of importance (from my own perspective) is truthfulness to yourself, and being able to give and share in life and being surrounded by the people that you want to be surrounded by. 

And also please accept people how there are and don’t judge all the time it’s so easy… See it as a challenge to learn more about something or someone before the judgement comes.


So a mix of old and new, figures with a certain emotional load and will tell a colorful beautiful new insight. That’s what I’m trying to achieve with these series. 


2015-2016 Series Giving, sharing, reconciliation. 

In these times there I felt the need to express myself and making it my purpose to show people the need to love each other and showing affection, giving shelter reconnecting and reconcile again with an other human being. That is which stands central in this collection.

2015- Rumour collection 

Everybody has been guilty of spreading a rumour at some point in their life; it’s in our nature to do so. But why do we do this? Is it because we think it’s sound to judge or is it to make us feel better about ourselves? And do we think about the consequences of the rumour on the subject? These are the questions which stand central in the new “Rumour” collection. Portraits of people who spread a story, as well the people who are victim, but are they really a victim?

2015-Reconsideration collection 

Time for renawal, reconsideration, new perspective and light.

2015- My Crying Pieces Collection 

The world is crying, and everyone, at some point in their lives, cries for something.  Whatever the situation, the reason for the tears is always personal and always about a difference we would like to see.

I have been thinking a lot about this today and I really felt the need to express myself and share my perspective on crying so that people realize and understand the significance.  In some countries and in certain cultures, crying is discouraged and repressed. It’s seen as losing face. That makes me sad because being prevented from crying or stopping yourself crying is not human. Being able to cry and let the world see your tears makes you the most real, the most pure person that you can ever be.  In our tears, there is no hiding and it’s the most intimate moment you can have with another living being. Crying brings people together, it gives us a sense of solidarity and makes us touchable, even cuddly. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself in this way and to connect to another person so deeply when you cry.


The Identity Collection

Everybody has an other identity and it's not important how you look or what you are

Collage and Acrylic paint 2014

I use in some of my artwork old newspapers for recycling it makes the painting more actual, and that the small pieces of news paper becomes a whole new image and have their second life is just a beautiful.

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